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Visitor Information

Visitor Guide

In order to provide authorized visitors with the opportunity to visit classrooms and to ensure an uninterrupted instructional program, the following procedure shall be followed:

  1. All requests for visitations must be routed through the school principal or designee. All visitations and times of visitations must have prior approval by the principal and teacher.
  2. Parents and other individuals authorized by the parent may observe classes. The principal or designee(s), will accompany visitors during the visit to special education related program/classes.
  3. The length of the visit will be no more than 20 minutes unless prior arrangements are made with the principal. Extended visits will be granted only in the most extraordinary cases.
  4. Instruction will not be interrupted. No attempts shall be made to engage the teacher or the students in conversation.
  5. Under ordinary circumstances, the teacher being visited by a parent should continue with the regular classroom work. No electronic listening or audio/video recording device may be used by students or visitors in a classroom without the teacher and principal's permission. It is desirable that parent-teacher conferences be held before or after school in order that normal progress of classroom instruction will not be disrupted.
  6. Upon arrival, the visitor(s) should be advised of these guidelines in written form.
  7. There will be no more than one classroom visit per 30 day period for any student. Exceptions may be granted as mutually agreed upon with the principal, teacher, parent, visitor, and Superintendent or designee.

Visitation procedures

In order to visit a classroom, upon request the individual(s) will furnish to the principal or designee the following information:

  • His/her name, address and occupation
  • His/her age, if less than 21
  • His/her purpose for entering the school grounds and or classroom
  • Proof of identity
  • Other information consistent with the provisions of law