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Student Learner Outcomes SLOs

Positive Attitude

  • We will demonstrate a growth mindset by setting goals based on feedback
    We will exhibit grit by showing perseverance on difficult classroom assignments

Accept Responsibility

  • We will be a good citizen by following school rules and participating in outreach opportunities
  • We will show integrity by avoiding cheating and plagiarism as well as using technology for academic purposes only
  • We will become “expert learners” who understand,  communicate, and act upon our educational needs

Willing to Learn

  • We will actively listen and ask questions in classroom activities to clarify our understanding 
  • We will complete all individual and group assignments with precision and efficiency

Show Respect

  • We will communicate effectively by listening to others’ ideas, disagreeing politely, and offering sound evidence to support our assertions
  • We will be kind to others when engaging in classroom and extracurricular activities