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School Profile

The vision of the Bellflower Unified School District’s Home Education Independent Study Academy is to provide a high quality, well rounded educational experience for home education students. The alternative educational program will be one that is rigorous, relevant, and engaging.

Core Model: Grades TK – 8: Students attend school three full days per week and are taught at home two days. Students and parents meet at least once a month with a credentialed teacher to review work and set goals. Students may also participate in enrichment learning experiences on Fridays and have the opportunity for synchronous instruction as needed, per the supervising teacher, on Mondays.  

Please click here to access the interest form: Interest Form

Classic Model:  Grades TK-8: Parents are the primary teacher five days a week utilizing District adopted textbooks and/or supplemental online curricula.  Students and parents meet at least once a week with a credentialed teacher to review work and set goals.  Students receive daily synchronous instruction and may also participate in enrichment learning experiences on Fridays. 

High school students choose from two exciting pathways:

Traditional Model: Grades 9-12: Students learn at home five days a week through online courses in science, social science, math, electives-including world language, and English that meet a-g requirements for UC/CSU admission. Synchronous learning opportunities occur every Friday.  Physical Education requirements are completed independently.  Assignments are submitted Fridays by 2:00 PM.  All tests take place at Las Flores Educational Center.  

Blended Model: Grades 9-12: Students attend math and English classes three days per week at Las Flores Educational Center.  Science, social science, and electives-including world language that meet a-g requirements for UC/CSU admission are taken online.  Physical Education requirements are completed independently.  Synchronous learning opportunities occur every Friday.  Assignments are submitted Fridays by 2:00 PM.  All tests take place at  Las Flores Educational Center.  

Parents may request a meeting prior to enrollment in this program. All parents and students will complete a written agreement prior to participation which details program details and requirements. 

Please click here to access the interest form: Interest Form


ENRICHMENT FRIDAYS Each week students in grades TK-8 have the opportunity to come to Las Flores Educational Center for half a day to participate in an engaging, standards based lesson and activity as well as a music class.

Sample Program Components:

  • Standards Based Curriculum & Lessons
  • Multi-age, Multi-level Classes
  • Partnership with a Credentialed Teacher
  • Academic Interventions
  • ST Math Program
  • CAASPP Testing Grades 3-8
  • ELPAC Testing if student is a second language learner
  • Parent Workshops
  • Parent Resource Room
  • State-of-the-Art Classroom Technology